Getting started

Connect to FPGA

Connect via ssh

Connect either an ethernet cable to the FPGA and your LAN or connect it directly to your PC (in ubuntu-> settings-> network-> wired-> options-> ipv4-> shared_to_others)

The FPGA can be found via NMAP (search for Gandalf)

sudo nmap

If you cannot find this net, use Roboy’s class B net:

sudo nmap

In the ~/.bashrc of the FPGA edit the ROS_MASTER_URI variable so it is set to the IP where ROS core was started. Source the ~/.bashrc and make sure ROS_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI are set correctly:

echo $ROS_IP

Copy data to FPGA

Copy plexus to FPGA

Copy the roboy_plexus binary to the FPGA:

scp <YOUR CATKIN WORKSPACE>/devel/lib/roboy_plexus/roboy_plexus root@

Copy HDL to FPGA

The copy is only needed if the RBF file was changed.

FireUp the system

Start the ROS core on your host PC.


Run roboy_plexus on the FPGA:


If you haven’t done this before execute the following commands on your computer:

echo "export ROS_IP=$(hostname -I|head -n1 | awk '{print $1;'})" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_IP:11311" >> ~/.bashrc


Troubleshooting plexus on PC

Echo $ROS_MASTER_URI shows the wrong IP even bashrc was edited

First solution

source ~/.bashrc

Second solution (IP address has to be changed to your current IP)


Troubleshooting plexus on FPGA

If the LED slides shows two “running” LED’s, plexus is started more than once. In that case use the following command:

killall roboy_plexus

It might happen that the ssh interface doesn’t open the terminal. This might occur if the plexus code is broken - to prevent it from autostart. In that case, connect the board to a PC via USB and comment out the last line of ~/.bashrc that starts Plexus.

Visualize data

For visualizing your data use RQT

Go into your catkin WORKSPACE and into SRC and clone RQT

git clone

After catkin_make is executed the new plugins have to be sourced:

source <YOUR CATKIN WORKSPACE>/devel/setup.bash